Cancellation Policy

Lynnfield Cancellation Policy extract from Terms & Conditions

4.1 You may cancel a reservation without charge if you give us 30 days notice before the earliest check in time we have given you for your reservation. If you cancel under this clause 4.1, we will refund you in full any sum (including, but not limited to, any deposit) you paid in advance.

4.2 If you cancel but do not give us prior notice of the cancellation of a reservation in accordance with the timeframes under clause 4.1, we will be entitled to charge you a Late Cancellation Charge which shall be calculated as set out in clause 4.4.

4.3 We may, at any time before you check in, cancel a reservation booked by you in the following circumstances:

4.3.1 The required accommodation and/or personnel and/or other resources necessary for the provision of the room are not available due to any cause outside our reasonable control. If we cancel a reservation in such circumstances, we will offer you alternative accommodation of the same standard or better if it is available. If it is not available or we offer it to you and you decline it, we will refund to you in full any deposit or other advance payment that you have made to us for your reservation; or

4.3.2 If you have not paid for your stay in full in advance of check-in and you do not arrive by 23:00 on the first day when you are due to stay at the Hotel. In that case, we shall be entitled to relet your room after that time unless you have notified us in advance of your late arrival, and we have agreed to a late check-in. If we cancel under this clause 4.3.2, we will be entitled to charge you a Late Cancellation Charge as if you had cancelled under clause 4.2 above. We shall attempt to contact you to inform you of that cancellation.

4.4 A “Late Cancellation Charge” means and will comprise the net financial loss that we suffer due to your cancellation. The calculation will take fully into account and give credit for any amount for any or all of the stay that you booked that we receive from another person for your room. We shall use reasonable endeavours to let your room to someone else for this purpose. The Late Cancellation Charge shall be limited to whichever of the following is the lesser amount: either 100% of the full price (at the Rate applicable) of your booking for the whole duration of the stay that you booked or one night’s stay at the Rate specified in your reservation. We may take the Late Cancellation Charge when or after you cancel using the payment details you provided when you made the reservation. We will be entitled to deduct some or all of the Late Cancellation Charge from any sum you paid us in advance and to keep the amount deducted and will refund to you any balance.


A warm welcome awaits

Lynnfield Hotel & Restaurant Kirkwall Orkney

Holm Road
St Ola
Kirkwall, Orkney
KW15 1SU


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